There was a time i had 3 maxed out, 2 personal loans and a revolving loan that i used to pay the credit cards & use them again. I was fucked
At some point i used to have my whole salary swallowed up every single month by my overdraft then go into overdraft again 🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️🙆🏾‍♂️
I was super reckless and made horrible financial decisions while i was a financial analyst for a living. The irony
Ne ke ijuta ka "i work with finances for a living, i know what I'm doing. Imma be ayt" but in reality i was living beyond my means
I was tryna keep up with the wrong guys & tryna impress the wrong cooches. I had my priorities all the way fucked up
Breaking point for me was when everything (3 credit cards, 2 personal loans, 1 revolving loan & an overdraft) were maxed TF out
That was 5 days before payday and i had no food & my GF was coming over for 2 weeks (long distance things)
I sat there bitterly disappointed in myself & so angry at stupidity that I actually cried & felt shit
I swallowed my pride, called up my boy & borrowed R2000. First time ever that i ask a friend for money (except that 1 time at a stripjoint)
After that, i said to myself "u feel like shit bcoz u r a piece of shit. Remember this feeling next time u wanna waste money recklessly"
That was the day i started working on my own debt recovery plan & self counseling. Weekly struggle to get where i am today finally
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