Happy 30th to my bff @OgomV And just because it's a milestone here's a thread of why you're awesome!
1.She's the most punctual female I know. She always makes it on time and somehow decides to frustrate you by lecturing you on punctuality. 😀
2.She's one of those people who never talks about what she does for people. She just does it. Mother Teresa of laive!!
3. She's really solid with advice because she can be very analytic (which can be annoying) but she somehow does it without condescension.
4. She's always the level headed one in the bunch. That's code for uptight 😝 which usually cramps our style but her reasons are always legit
5.She's the only friend who gave my mum money when she received her first salary.😍💖💖💖💖
6. She is an AMAZING dancer. That's the one place where she is uninhibited. Boy can she dance!!!
7. She's also the most beautiful person I know. Both inside and out. But outside she's a 10, well maybe a 9. She's short and has A cups😂😂😂😝
8. Aunty is also a grade A klutz. She even has a word coined for her by me ofcourse. Cripoo! But somehow it's awesome. 😁😁😁😁😁
9. She's very smart, brilliant in fact. And always unafraid of her goals. She's a go-getter! I would like to be her when I grow up. Boss!
10.She's a fashionista!! She's so girlie with the hair and makeup et personal style. There should be a Vicky doll imo but e go bald sha.😂😂😂
11. Don't mess with her cos she's really a yab artist. I believe her first words to me was a yab when we were 10. She went...
...."What's your name?
Me: Esther
Her: Oh I thought it was Fatima.

Such a bitc.... Nvm. 😀😀😀😀
She's a private person so imma stop there before she gives me another lecture. But through it all, good,bad, ugly.... It's been a thrill! 😘😘
I love you darling.💖💖 20years down the line you're still amazing. Greater you I pray and many more blessings.🍾To being old and wrinkly bffs!
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