The dark side is selectively targetting the takedown of dissenters online, e.g. @Watdahel_Marcel. Protect your accounts now!

Enable Two or Multifactor Authentication wherever it is possible. 2/MFA requires you to verify yourself twice before logging in.
For the less tech savvy, for exam0le on Twitter, it asks for your password, then asks for another verification code before you log in.
The trick with verification codes is that it can be set up in a way that the site texts your phone for a one-time code. This way those who
dont have access to your SIM will not get past this step. It's very hard to override this as the codes change everytime and have a small
window of use--it expires in a matter of minutes. This makes it 1000x harder for hackers to infiltrate your account.
For the more tech savvy and those who lile to login to places where phone signal is inadequate, use a Code Generator that may be built-in on
the app itself or through the best option (I think) of a third party authenticator, like Microsoft Authenticator.
MS Authenticator generates codes regardless of data signal.or lack thereof, enabling you to log im anytime.
The app generates only on a trusted device, so install it on a phone you always use. Codes expire every 30 secs.
Here's how to set it up on Twitter. READ THE WHOLE THING PLEASE
FACEBOOK HAS A WHOPPING FIVE OPTION MFA SCHEME. Tanga na llang ang nahahack ang FB ngayon (I hope I dont eat these words later tho).
IG is underperforming sa MFA. But hey, unless you're an Influencer™ who only blogs™ and is apolitical and walang pakialam sa bayan 🍵🍵🍵
Pero anyway, still protect your IG feeds 
ALSO PROTECT YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNTS. LAHAT NAKACONNECT DYAN! Yahoo, Google and Microsoft O365 come through!
Yahoo is great (and almost borderline annoying) with MFA. Here: 
The best MFA schemes in the entire world I think is with Google and 0365.
Google has so many options,including thumbprints on your phone, a notif sent to a trusted device, etc. ❤❤❤ 
O365 involves your work emails. So case to case basis tayo dito mga chong.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand iOS and Outlook come thru because they require APP PASSWORDS INSTEAD OF MFA. Meaning, 1 seperate app = 1 password.
It means yung email mo sa iPhone ,iba password sa iPad, sa outlook sa iphone, sa outlook sa android, sa outlook sa PC. All generated on site
Medj lengthy to discuss that here but basically.instead of entering your actual password you enter a diff password unique per app per device
Explore your options! Dont let the dark side oppress us! ANG MATALINONG PINOY MAGSASALITA SA TAMA WHILE NEVER MAHAHACK! RT and share y'all.
Dagdag pala guys! Sa FB setup your close friends and family as trusted accounts so they can do the verification process for you should your
You can follow @pcnsnji.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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