So I voted in Norway, where voter turnout is 76.78 percent of voting age population. (U.S. turnout is 55.7% of voting age population.) 1/20
About a month prior to the election, I got a polling card in the mail with all information about where and how to cast my vote. 2/20
The polling card and information was automatically sent to all citizens who had reached 18 years of age before the end of 2017. 3/20
Early voting started on 10th of August. People who wanted to vote early could vote in any municipality in Norway. 4/20
On September 10th and 11th people could vote in any polling station within the municipality of their registered address June 30, 2017. 5/20
There are many polling stations, so there were no lines at my local station. Inside I was showed to a private voting booth. 6/20
All the political parties were represented in the voting booth with their own ballot paper displayed in alphabetical order. 7/20
To vote for a political party, I simply picked the paper ballot of that party and folded it to keep it private. 8/20
I did not have to tick any box. Thus there is no risk of hanging chads, human misunderstanding or any need to interpret check boxes. 9/20
Having one ballot paper for each party also makes scanning and counting the votes easier. 10/20
After folding the ballot, I exited the booth and went over to the election officials. 11/20
I had my polling card with me. That is not required, but recommended. I also had a valid photo ID. 12/20
The photo ID can be any identification which contains a photo of me. It could be my passport, driving license or bank card. 13/20
After presenting my polling card and photo ID, I slipped my ballot paper in the sealed ballot box. 14/20
That was it. It took me about 3 minutes from I arrived until I exited the polling station. 15/20
After the polling station closes today, the ballots will be counted twice at the municipality level. 16/20
If there are deviations between the first and second counting of ballots, they will be counted again at the municipality level. 17/20
All ballots will be counted manually at municipality level, to avoid uncertainties about vulnerabilities in electronic counting. 18/20
The ballots will also be counted once at county level. Here they can be scanned electronically. 19/20
The preliminary election result is expected later tonight. 20/20
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