film movements.
Mumblecore - natural acting & dialogue, lowbudget prod, emphasis on dialogue over plot, focus on relationships of people in their 20s & 30s.
some Mumblecore films.
Cinema Novo a genre & movement noted for its emphasis on social equality, intellectualism, it rose to prominence in Brazil in the 60s & 70s.
some Cinema Novo films.
Italian neorealism film movement set amongst the poor & the working class, filmed on location, frequently using non actors.
Italian neorealism films mostly contend with the difficult economic and moral conditions of post-World War II Italy.
some Italian neorealism films.
UCLA Rebellion refers to African & African-American filmmakers who studied UCLA Film School in the late 60s - 80s...
these filmmakers created Black Cinema that provides an alternative to classical Hollywood.
some UCLA Rebellion/L.A Rebellion films that you can start of with.
New German Cinema lasted from the 60s into the 80s, it saw the emergence of new directors, with low budgets, influenced by French New Wave.
some New German Cinema films.
Film Noir.

A French term, film noir when translated from French to English, reads dark movie, indication and/or sense of something sinister & shadowy.

the genre includes stylish Hollywood crime dramas.
some noir characteristics:

tilted camera angles, interplay of light and shadows, unbalanced framing; blurring of the lines between good and bad and right and wrong.

and a motif of revenge, paranoia, and alienation, among other borrowed 'sensibilities'.
how females were portrayed in classic film noirs looked.
New Hollywood //American New Wave

from the mid-to-late 1960s

In New Hollywood films, the film director, rather than the studio, took on a key authorial role
films in this movement are stylistically characterized in that their narrative often strongly deviated from classical norms.
after the demise of the studio system & the rise of tv, commercial success of films was diminished. TNH period, spanning the mid 60s- early 80s, was an era of revival.
some New Hollywood films.
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