Nearly 2 AM and I am reading about the history of Guyana since I learned that my parents were yutes when Guyana gained its independence
"The owner the plantation who believed that if slaves were influenced by religious teachings, they would be more docile and obedient."
As early as 1808, the Royal Gazette had written: "It is dangerous to make slaves Christians, without giving them their liberty."
"It was not an easy task for the British Gov. to abolish the slave trade which at that time provided thousands of jobs for British subjects"
The 1800's were messed up. There's some Game of Thrones shit going on here. Squashing rebellions and spiking heads along public roads. Whoa.
1834 ,a law to abolish slavery is passed in Guyana. Slave owners were paid 20mil English pounds as compensation for the loss of their slaves
Adjusted for inflation they got 2.5 BILLION for the loss of their slaves. Guyana was bought from the Dutch for 3mil (55mil w/ inflation) 🤔🤔
Sure we've reclaimed it by now but the word coolie comes from a Tamil word "kuli" meaning porter or labourer. But hey I'm just a coolie bai
1838, my ancestors signed into indenture in which they were paid 5 rupee per month. At the time a single rupee was only 28 British pence.
Adjusted for inflation that is 167 Pounds a month. I'm sure my great great great great grandfather was getting lit on sugar cane water
I lied. Turns out not long later the planters weren't actually paying them full wages (instead only 1/3). Great x4 or x5 Gramps wasn't litty
This man Bechu wrote letters for 4.5 years to a newspaper. At the end of the 19th century, he stood for the rights of indentured Indians  needs to hire a web designer
My mom told me that my great grandparents came to Guyana on indenture but afterwards her grandma & sister stayed rather than went back
Can you imagine the choice of my great grandmother and her sister to LEAVE HER HUSBAND and stay in a foreign country. Two incredible women.
My father told me that my great grandfather was kidnapped at the age of 8 to work as an indentured labourer. Wow.
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