Have decided to consolidate some of my Twitter threads into one place:
Why liberalism will be unseated as the dominant ideology within the West in the coming decades: https://twitter.com/AsfMQ/status/808741768841875456
Why the notion of "moral progress" is philosophically ludicrous: https://twitter.com/AsfMQ/status/857593530952413184
It was in response to a thread about the Enlightenment doing the rounds. Basically the thread just assumed that the Enlightenment was a
"triumph of reason against unreason" (and of reason against "tradition", "authority", and so forth). I'm saying that the "Enlightenment" is
Don't have much to say specifically about SSM. I have an idea about a thread for sexual morality more generally, idk if I'll ever write it
Maybe 2 threads, actually
You can follow @Evollaqi.
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