I have so much to say about 🌈feminism🌈, where do I even begin: a thread
alright so this is all from my experience, I understand the whole "not all men" shenanigans
why is it that when a celeb male stands up for feminism, it's all "YOU HERO OMG!"
and when female celebs do it, it's all "dang she's pushy"
most boys I talk to about fem. revert to the ole "ha ha I guess you want to pay for dinner!"

no, I want to walk down a street & feel safe
Why is "feminist" used as an insult? And usually by boys who's main passion is marijuana socks ?
"Ah,Let her win, you know how women are":
Has a woman been able to stand this type of person for longer than 30 seconds? how would they know
Feminism is equality btwn genders. Historically, that's helping women. Men are helped, too. LMK when I reach the issue some of y'all got.
There are radicals in all movements, and I'm not defending everything ALL feminists have done. But how do you not fight for basic equality??
Women aren't trying to steal jobs, they're trying to GET jobs. And honey if they're more qualified than you, that sounds like a You Problem.
"I'm a woman, and I don't need feminism!"

ok, glad you have a nice life, how about all the girls who DO need the support and community?
"why are feminists so angry"

IDK wouldn't you get a lil ticked when your words are discounted continuously bc of your gender?
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