All right, it's time.
1 Like = 1 cool thing about the Star Wars prequels.
Let's go.
The music at the end of Phantom Menace is a sped-up, children's voice version of the dirge-like Emperor's theme from Return of the Jedi.
The elegance of the Old Republic is communicated mainly through architecture, Naboo-human and Gungan. Also with ring cities on Coruscant.
In this thread I'm talking about cool stuff from the prequels. But yes, there are definite problems with how accents are paired with aliens.
I'm tweeting a lot of cool stuff but the movies are flawed in a number of ways.
I'm white: doesn't piss me off. The colonial themes, the genocidal themes in Star Wars parallel history.
And frankly, old powerful white guys meeting in secret to plan war should worry all of us.
"The Jedi Council will have to take control of the Senate to ensure a peaceful transition to a new gov. & a new leadership for the Republic"
Quote from Mace Windu.
She had some other small story beats, including the best line in any SW movie ("So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause").
But yeah, they should have gone with her trying to stop Anakin out of love.
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