I'll believe that Trump is growing into the presidency when his staff stops talking about him like a toddler. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/04/27/the-education-of-donald-trump-237669
I'll believe that Trump is growing into the presidency when his staff stops talking about him like a toddler. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/01/trump-civil-war-banks-korea-237859
I'll believe that Trump is growing into the presidency when his staff stops talking about him like a toddler. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/05/us/politics/reince-priebus-health-care.html?_r=0
I'll believe that Trump is growing into the presidency when his staff stops talking about him like a toddler. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/10/comey-firing-trump-russia-238192
I'll believe that Trump is growing into the presidency when his staff stops treating him like a toddler. http://time.com/donald-trump-after-hours/
I'll believe that Trump is growing into the presidency when his staff stops talking about him like a toddler. http://time.com/4783929/president-trump-loyalty-test/
I'll believe that Trump is growing into the presidency when U.S. allies stop talking about him like a toddler. http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/05/19/trump-middle-east-trip-saudi-arabia-215163
I'll believe that Trump is growing into the presidency when his staff stops talking about him like a toddler. https://www.axios.com/trumps-iphone-only-has-one-app-twitter-2421500697.html
I'll believe that Trump is growing into the presidency when his staff stops talking about him like a toddler. http://nyti.ms/2qCwa72 
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