Sitting with mom and she just told me the most chilling story about how her group of friends ended when Milosevic came into power.
My mom, a Muslim, was friends with Christian Orthodox, Catholic and Atheist Yugoslavs. They celebrated each others holidays.
She celebrated Christmas with them, they'd celebrate Eid with her. Their parents were friends too.
Everyone was in a panic warning Velimir what nationalism does. Trying to convince him of the Yugoslav call of "brotherhood and unity".
But Velimir turned around and said he was a Serb and it was his duty to ensure a Greater Serbia.
Velimir's last words were "Please forgive me if I end up being the one to kill you".
He went to Pale. He was killed the same day he left. His mother, a concentration camp survivor, a woman of God, died of a broken heart.
Her friends after mainly split up. Very few of the large group of Orthodox, Catholic, Muslim & Atheists stuck together.
Mom's been talking more about the pre-war stuff because the nationalism in America reminds her of the nationalism in Yugoslavia.
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