With analysts being all like "Lol CIA hangs out on 4Chan lol" - reminder that Encyclopedia Dramatica was run by DOE counterintel agents.
ED was hugely influential on Chan culture and alot of the same cliques moved between both spaces.
So not only were intel officers hanging out on these sites, they were hosting + editing and moderating them.
there's a 1960s scifi story called "For a While There, Herbert Marcuse, I Thought You Were Maybe Right About Alienation and Eros"
written by an ex CIA officer named Robin Scott Wilson where I think Wilson tips his hand a little. Wilson started a writers
the irony style of chan / SA posting (as opposed to the emo-sincerity of MOC or Diaryland) also ambiently suppress certain
conversations from happening - sharing about personal circumstances + things like that.
if you draw a line from ED to EFF (both orgs founded by intel contractors) you pass thru most of the cultural influencers in the
Bay Area going back to the 1960s. I think looking at the people VC's were bringing in to a company like FB in the early day might
yield some interesting information.
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