. @AgentSaffron according to AIT "invading Aryans" brought their customs and culture, including language, which is Sanskrit. If AIT is true
. @AgentSaffron then Sanskrit is definitely not Indian! That makes Tamil the most ancient Indian language spoken today.
Yes and even they couldn't. Reasoning, pleading and rabble rousing have all been tried. Nothing works. They keep pushing the envelope as if
nothing has happened in the last 70 years. By law TN is exempt from Hindi promotion but GoI casually ignores it and breaks the law it's
. @AgentSaffron the entire humanity can be traced back to present day Somalia but the Tamil language originated in India. Ergo it's the most
. @AgentSaffron ancient Indian language (spoken today in India)!
Until that happens Tamil it is. Btw why do treat Tamil like an enemy? It belongs to all the people of India. You don't have to learn it but
You can certainly own it and be proud that one of your language has such a long history.
Yes, thats BS
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