Brianas pics have been ran through photoshop thread :
1st pic is the analysis of B's pic which has a Photoshop marker. 2nd pic is one I took with my iPhone.
Analysis of Briana's baby bump (where she as the black blazer), still a photoshop marker on it !
Dad&lad has been photoshopped with.. Oh. Photoshop 3! Just like Briana. Coincidental? EXIF got scrubbed with PS too
White=edited. They added Louis' head and tattoos on the picture and forgot 78. I consider this pic DEBUNKED.
@itsmex_jade I'm learning a photography thingy called Huffman table and debunking photoshopped stuff helps so why not do these X
@itsmex_jade thanks! It's not that hard if you're into photography you can look it up X
@nhstylan good pointing this out! Still think there's something off with his head, the baby posture. Still look shady to me but thanks!
@gnarlycalm there's only one reason to scrub it : not wanting ppl to find the original version when it's been photoshopped
@gnarlycalm you can only scrub the EXIF data when you know how to use photoshop, it's a special tool
@gnarlycalm the one on the left says that the pic has been edited, EXIF = core data of the pic, everything happening to it is stored
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