10 Ways You Can Read More Books in 2022
1. Read before you fall asleep

Skip out on that late-night scroll through your social media feed and go old school.

Read a bedtime story to lull yourself to sleep.

If you do this frequently enough, it can become a part of your nighttime routine.
2. Read when you wake up in the morning

If your schedule allows, instead of perusing your emails or immediately beginning the day's to-do list, take a moment for yourself and dedicate anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour for reading.

And yes, you can stay in bed.
3. Always have a book on the deck

Whether commuting to the office or on your way to a girls' getaway, have a dedicated space in your bag for your next read.

This way, reading will always be an option whenever you find yourself with some unexpected downtime.
4. Remember, there's no such thing as a "guilty pleasure" book

You should never let embarrassment for liking a particular type of novel stops you from picking out a book.

It's because they're good.

They have a compelling story and they're fast to read.
5. Think about your TV time as reading time

This mental trick will hopefully urge you to see the value of sitting down with a good book.

Those three hours you'd usually spend bingeing your fav TV show...

Invest that time to read a book.
It'll work like wonders.
6. Participate in a reading challenge

Devoting time to a challenge is a way to compete against yourself while still working toward your reading goals.

You can keep it simple with Goodreads and choose a specific number of books to read per year.
7. Check out "best lists"

Selecting a book from the endless array can be overwhelming.

To narrow down the field, peruse reading lists from the institutions that make it their business to find the best of the best.
8. Join a local book club

Not only will you have fellow book lovers holding you accountable to read more, but you'll also be a part of a new community that makes finishing a book a priority.

Not to mention the discussions about the book can expand your mind and perspective.
9. Read some poetry

Whether you dig into a whole poetry book or read renowned love poems online, poetry can be a compelling break from traditional fiction and nonfiction reads that tend to dominate the best sellers lists.
10. Invest in an e-reader

While devoted book worms everywhere will likely always debate e-readers vs physical books, there's no denying that devices like Kindles can make it easier to read on demand.

All you have to do to start reading is tap on a screen.
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