15 Golden Rules Every Man Must Learn

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Most men drift through life aimlessly – with no purpose, ambition or desire.

It’s a sad state to see.

If you want to be a man of value and respect, you’re reading the right article.

I will share 15 lessons/truths you must know that cover wealth, health, mindset and life.
1. Know Your Freedom Amount

Your ‘Freedom Amount’ is the amount of money you need to never wake up to an alarm clock again.

Or answer to a boss.

Work out your expenses, bills, rent and general cost of living yearly.

Multiply this number by 25 (4% rule).
2. Understand Health/Fitness

You only have one body.

Taking care of it is your priority to avoid many illnesses and injuries.

You must know:

Basic weightlifting routines
Healthy vs unhealthy foods
Concept of calories and macros
Injury and illness prevention
Cardio exercises
3. You Can Only Save Yourself

No one cares as much as you do

You may think your friends, parents, relatives or co-workers do.

But they have their own problems to worry about.

If you ever want to be someone of substance –you need to make the decision to be successful yourself
4. Knowledge Alone Isn’t Powerful

Imagine knowing the exact blueprint on making millions — but you dont take action.

What's the point?

I encourage everyone to read books.

But then to extract the best pieces of information and use them to your advantage.
You can be the best-read person in the world.

Without taking action — it doesn't mean anything.

Knowledge is powerful.

Application of the same knowledge even more so.
5. “Early Bird Gets The Worm”

This saying applies not only to waking up in the morning.

But to life.

The earlier you start the fewer responsibilities you have.

As you grow older you will have a family and house to take care of.
6. Spending To Impress Is Pointless

Human psychology wants us to feel respected and desired.

This is why we spend money we dont have (debt) to impress people we don’t like.

Buying designer clothes and going into debt for expensive car payments is stupid.
No one cares what you're wearing or driving.

If you don’t have your financial base in order, you have no business spending money on luxuries.
7. The Comfort Zone Is The Enemy

You will never succeed if you remain comfortable throughout your life.

Comfort is only deserved for those who take risks first.

Easy choices = hard life

Hard choices = easy life
Staying consistent with your health, finances and business is hard.

It is uncomfortable.

But if you grind through the pain barrier.

The reward is permanent freedom.
8. You Need A Mission

Without a goal to strive towards — there's no ambition.

Set yourself goals to accomplish like a video game.

As you achieve small goals, work towards bigger ones.

Apply this mentality to all areas of your life to keep you occupied and energetic.
9. You Will Need To Leave Bad Friends
It doesn't matter how long you've known someone.

If they hinder your growth, you have to let them go.

If they steer you towards the wrong path, you have to let them to.

If they want to destroy your progress, you have to let them go.
Understand this:

When you take on the responsibility to improve yourself — the ones who aren't willing to will hate you for improving.

Forget about them.
10. You Dont Have Time

Everyone tells you to ‘take it easy’ because ‘you are still young’.

Ask the people:

What have they done?

Why are they telling you to waste your time?

Have they accomplished anything worthy?
11. You Will Be Judged On Appearance

On how you look, how you speak and how you present yourself.

First impressions count.

Those who tell you it's all about ‘personality’ are lying to make you feel good.
Instinctively, we have more trust in people when they are in good shape, well dressed and well-groomed.

Compared to the person who is the complete opposite.

Taking care of your appearance is what gets you the job you apply to, the client you want and the female you desire.
12. Your Network = Your Networth

You've heard it a million times because it's true.

“It's not what you know, it's who you know”.

Someone less talented than you gets the opportunity because they know a guy.
This is just a random example — but the concept is still true.

When you become good at conversating with people and listening attentively, you begin to make friends.

Opportunities start falling into your lap.

Now imagine making friends with the wealthy and powerful.
13. Failure is not final

Every ‘failure’ is to be taken as a lesson for the next move.

Those who sulk in defeat never try again to succeed.

They have admitted their failure in the moment as final.

You're not a failure.

You just failed that one time.

Dont give yourself the identity, use the lesson to succeed.
14. Investing in Yourself is Key

You're never going to be someone of substance if you don’t invest in yourself.

In fact, before any financial investment is made — you need to make a self-investment.
Invest in your skills, health, education, knowledge and anything else which increases your skillset and potential.

Then use these skills to improve the quality of your life.
15. You Need Mental Strength

The world is not a fair place and life is harsh.

You will have moments, days and even weeks where you feel everything is against you.
In these times — mental strength is necessary to overcome any emotional decisions which negatively impact your life.

Want to become stronger mentally?

Do hard things.

Go to the gym, be strict with discipline and you will develop this strength.
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