You can’t change your life if you remain at the same level of consciousness that wrecked it.

Here are 3 effective ways to gradually raise your vibration...
There are 7 levels of consciousness:

1) Instinctual: This is the most basic level of sentience for humans and is characterized by survival. This level is primarily obsessed with safety, feeding & reproducing. At least 10% of the world’s population exist on this plane.
2) Individualist: This level centers around ego fortification. People on this plane are focused on eliminating threats to their identities, beliefs, & properties and is displayed through acts of violence, selfishness & manipulation. Roughly 20% of the world exist here.
3) Conformist: This level of consciousness revolves around the need for societal acceptance. Members of same tribe / beliefs are valued over outsiders. Adherence to religious/tribal/family customs is strongly emphasized. About 40% of the population exist here.
4) Rational: Here, critical thinking & rationale predominates. Logic & scientific processes are used to evaluate life processes & human relationships. Justice, fairness & subjectivity are predominant. Roughly 30% exist here.
5) Pluralistic: An egalitarian perspective is adopted by people on this level and others are valued for their humanity (not because of their social, economic or political class). Love & empathy are moral codes. About 10% of the population exist here.
6) Integral: On this plane, the polarities of life (good / bad, right / wrong, love / hate, light / shadow, friends / enemies) are seen as a part of a whole. Every level of consciousness is seen to function harmoniously than competitively. Only 1% live here.
7) Transcendent: This is the peak of human consciousness. A truly divine state where the entire universe is experienced as one organism expressing itself in countless forms. Only about 0.1% ever make it to the stage.
<= 3D consciousness
Shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, pride

<= 6D consciousness
Courage, neutrality, willingness, acceptance, confidence, creativity

= 7D consciousness (enlightenment)
Non-duality, fearlessness, desirelessness, bliss
While enlightenment is a long shot, it's necessary for every human to exist on the 5th / 6th plane of integration at the very least.

This would make you a more creative, impactive and happy individual.

Meditation helps create a gap between you & your mind so you can watch your thoughts from a deeper state of being. This naturally strips away the self-limiting identities & beliefs that are burdening you, allowing you ascend to higher levels.
Meditation is the art of effortless witnessing. Simply relax and watch your mind from behind the scenes. Allow the thoughts / emotions surface and pass through you.

Surrender to non-doing, muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone.
"I'm not doing this right"
"This isn't working"
"I'm meditating"

These are all thoughts, your mind having a multi-way conversation with itself. You're the detached screen of awareness upon which these thoughts are imprinted on.

You can't fail at meditation.

Everything has a vibrational frequency, including the cells in your body. This is why different music create different emotions within you.

Sound bathing uses specific frequencies to bring the body into a state of vibrational ascension, balance & harmony.
Singing bowls, gongs, Tibetan bowls, American flutes, tuning forks, and drums can be used for this cleansing (personally or in groups). If you don’t have access to these instruments, listen to binaural beats or solfeggio frequencies (YouTube).

Eat live foods. Your body is a transfiguration of all the foods you eat. Since energy is neither created nor destroyed, the quality of energy in your food will directly affect the state of your mind and your vibration. Medical science says the human gut is our second brain.
Begin to observe how different foods at various times affect your moods & mind. This will give you direct insights on what you eat, minimize or avoid.

Eat more natural food (especially in their raw form). More importantly, eat in moderation
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