10 Lessons from How To IKIGAI

1) Do what you love
Do what you're good at
Do what the world needs
Do what you can be rewarded for
2) Society tells us that it's better to fix our weaknesses instead of focusing on our strengths. Society is wrong.
3) Clear purpose has been a trait enjoyed by geniuses throughout history.
4) Hierarchy Of Needs
5) If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life.
6) You either choose to do what you want, or you stay exactly where you are at.
7) Your Ikigai doesn't have to be something you get paid to do. It's something you will feel rewarded by doing Tell the stories you're passionate about.
8) You have an Ikigai like everyone else does.
9) Do Kind Things for Other People
10) There is the most
dangerous risk of all the risk of spending your life not doing what
you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later.
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