
I visited the sites of some of the most notorious mass killings in modern history:

• Nice Truck Attack: (France): 86
• Charlie Hebdo (Paris): 12
• The Bataclan (Paris): 90
• Hypercacher Kosher Market (Paris): 17
• 7/7 Bombings (UK): 52

• Madrid Train Station: 193
• Stockholm Truck Attack: 5
• Boko Haram Attacks (Nigeria): ?
• London Bridge: 8

In each place, I interviewed witnesses when possible. In addition to the obvious fact that all of these were perpetrated by Muslims, themes emerged:

1. The …

…attackers were well armed in spite of extremely strict gun laws. (Nigeria’s gov’t actually disarmed those who were attacked, calling it “a human rights violation.”)

2. The attacked were completely defenseless. As law-abiding citizens, they were easy prey.

3. Police …

…response was often slow & ineffective.

4. As in Uvalde, Texas, attackers, confident their intended victims were unarmed & a police response would be slow, often took their time. Casually reloading & killing at will.

5. Guns were not always attackers weapon of choice…

…The deadliest attack used bombs. That is also true globally.

But what about the worst massacres in history? Aren’t they the result of gun-toting Americans?


The Top Five Mass Shootings:

1. The Peshawar School (Pakistan): 150
2. Garissa College (Kenya): 148 …

3. Paris Attacks: 130
4. Utoya Massacre (Norway): 69
5. Westgate Mall (Kenya): 67

Here, the same themes emerge: well-armed attackers vs unarmed people.

Note also that Kenya, France, & Norway have very strict gun ownership laws. In Europe, it’s very difficult to own one…

…apart from a farm shotgun. (I lived there.)

This is not to say that mass shootings are not a problem. The Las Vegas shooting in which 60 were murdered would be no. 6 on our macabre list.

So, what’s the answer?

Democrats have made banning guns a cause célèbre. As with…

…their arguments on abortion, open borders, race, the environment, etc. they rely on emotion, not logic.

Doing a Beto O’Rourke and interrupting an address by the governor makes good theater. It looks passionate, engaged, compassionate. But it does nothing to address the..

…heart of the problem.

What is the heart of the problem?

1. You cannot simultaneously campaign to “Defund the Police” & then wonder where they are in a crisis.

2. Contrary to mass shooting proving the need to disarm Americans, I believe it demonstrates the opposite….

Citizens should be armed. Children—yes, children—should be taught early & often proper firearm safety & use. This was the norm throughout most of our history and, contrary to Democrat logic, mass shootings were rare.

3. But THE heart of the issue is the human heart….

In addition to attacking the police, which exist to enforce law, the Left have carried on a decades-long war on the Christian faith, which gives impetus to obey law.

A child who concludes he is only a product of “random chance & necessity,” may well conclude that his…

…life has no meaning, there is no absolute right & wrong, & he can do whatever he wants because there is no one in the next life to judge his actions in this one. To quote Dostoevsky, “If there is no immortality, there can be no virtue, & all things are permissible.”

But the very idea of disarming citizens presupposes that gov’t is a benign, trustworthy entity.

History says otherwise.

Unarmed citizens are victimized by gov’t, & make no mistake about it, governments are the perpetrators of the worst mass murders in history.

The End
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