10 Traits That You Need to Build To Be A Founder

Some of the traits that I believe are super important if you want to be a founder.

1. Grit
Ability to go through everything that will come your way.
2. Bias to action (and not to strategy)
Getting things started is more important than perfecting the plan.
3. Being ok with failures
Multiple failures will come your way, one after another. You need to be completely fine facing them, & not let them get you. If you've had a successful academic tenure, or a successful career path, then you need to be even more prepared to accept failure
4. Showing up every single day, no matter how you feel.
Your employees have a choice, your customers have a choice. But you have no choice; you have to show up.
5. Ignoring Peer pressure
Your college friends will have an accelerated career growth in terms of money and designation. You should be able to ignore it and not compare your path with theirs.
6. Be a contrarian
You should have an opinion or a view that is quite opposite to that of the majority. If you hold the same view that an average person holds, then know that no real change/growth can happen. Disruption only happens if you have a view that most don't agree with
7. Learn finance
This is applicable to both company finance and personal finance. Ensure you are always aware of what money can and cannot do for you. Enough material online to learn the basics.
8. Be OK with no one 'getting it'
No one will ever understand what you are doing and why. Be ok with that. Everyone in your company will have their own world view about you as a founder. And it's fine, you'll never be able to fully communicate your view to them.
9. Develop interests in other areas
Building a company can make you unidimensional. You read startup-news, business books, you only follow VCs on Twitter, you only go to startup events. Don't miss the world's most incredible offerings - family, arts, science, culture, history etc
10. Unwavering optimism
Believing that it will work out eventually. If you don't have this optimism, it becomes extremely hard to face the tons of challenges that will come your way.
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