Git is the most essential thing to learn as a programmer.

Let's understand it an easy way 🧵👇
🏢 Let's assume you work for a Gaming company .

🎮 And you are asked to build a new Gaming app .

👨‍💻 You are not building this project alone but with a team of 4-5 developers.

❓ Here arise a question ?
🤔 How will you work with the team and write the same code as them on the same code base without causing conflict ?

So that's where Git comes in .

🤷‍♀️ What is Git ?

👉 It is a distributed version control system .
Let's break this definition into 3 parts :-

1. Control system :- It means Git is used to store code .
2. Version Control System :-

As a team project, many developers are adding code . So, code in Git keeps changing.

Thus, VCS helps in tracking changes by maintaining a history of what changes have happened.

Git tracks changes by taking a Snapshot(commits) of changed files.
3. Distributed Version Control system :-

DVCS represents a collection of backups.

When a team member clones a repository, she's basically creating an offsite backup, so if something happens, such as a server crash, every member's local copy acts as a backup.
🔰 Benefits of Git :-

1. With git , You will never lose your data .
2. It allows you to experiment code without breaking your previous code.
3. It allows you to work offline.
4. It improve your code-quality and productivity.
That's the end of the thread.

If anyone still had a doubt about anything , drop your queries 💬👇

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