21 habits that’ll make you 2x more productive than 96% of people:
1) Follow the 2-min rule.

If a to-do item takes less than 2min to get done, do it right away.

This will prevent your to-do lists from growing too big.
2) Don’t multitask

Why? Because you can’t.

All you’re doing is switching your focus, ending up needing more time to finish all your work.
3) Set your own deadlines

Finishing a task when the deadline is close, causes stress.

Instead finish it before, at a time you choose.
4) Eliminate distractions.

Let people know that you need undisturbed time to work.

Turn off all notifications, they are a true productivity killer.
5) Don’t get right back to people.

You’re surrounded by apps demanding you answer messages. Don’t.

Instead, batch your answers to once a day.
6) Set a timer.

Before you start a task, see how much time you want to allocate to it.

Then set a timer and stick to it.
7) Have your phone out of sight.

The dopamine hits from your phone are stronger than your willpower.

Create barriers between your work and you checking your phone.
8) Journal

Daily reflection ensures you are in control of your life.

It also sharpens your memory and reduces stress.
9) Know the difference between shallow vs deep work.

Shallow: Emails, multitasking, formatting documents.
Deep: Research, writing, learning a new skill.

Prioritize the latter to be productive, not just ‘busy’.
10) Schedule distractions.

When you start work, note down when your next break will be.

Then go and check your phone, etc. But stick to the scheduled time.
11) Develop a Deep Work Ritual

Your brain fluctuates between phases of deep-and shallow concentration.

Build a ritual to access deep work easily.
12) Build in time to work on your system.

Your life is always evolving, more tasks, more responsibilities.

Ensure your system evolves with you.
13) Find repeatable shortcuts

80% of your tasks occur regularly. Find ways to cut the time you spend on them.

Ranging from keyboard shortcuts to standardised email replies.
14) Write down your thoughts.

Our brains are great for coming up with ideas, not storing them.

Free mental capacity by capturing what’s on your mind.
15) Manage your energy

Powering through looks cool in movies, but won’t work for you long-term.

Take breaks, go for a short walk, stretch, hydrate and fuel correctly.
16) Get better at saying “no”

What people want you to do is often ‘busy’ work, not productive.

Where possible, learn to say no to focus on your high-value work.
17) Reward yourself.

Establish a positive link in your brain with finishing off tasks on your to-do list.

You will start enjoying attacking your to-dos.
18) Time-blocking.

Your calendar is filled with meetings. But not your deep work.

Block out time for your most important tasks.
19) Keep a distraction list

Use pen and paper for this to avoid getting sucked into apps, etc.

Whenever a distraction (internal or external) pops up, note down what you need to remember and continue with your work.
20) Evening Shutdown

Note down all unfinished tasks.

Make an Action Plan, what do you need to do next? Leave yourself breadcrumbs to easily start the next day.
21) Use the Eisenhower Matrix to identify long-term priorities:
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