The Nords experienced a post-apocalyptic hells cape after the comet induced small ice age of the 6th century which destroyed Rome & caused massive population shifts across the world-- they literally developed a post-civilizational pirate/viking oligarchy & a new cosmology
The Swede/Nord/Viking cosmos is one in which resource scarcity is the most basic fact of life. Your ability to secure resources by any means necessary is the only ethical good. God is the Coldness itself. God is testing you. If you starve, that is justice.
They never truly adapted to Christianity, ultimately-- they recast Christianity within this Viking cosmos & this culminates in the "Just World" conception in which "Natural Selection" is identical to Divine Election.
These Viking/Norman/Nord conquerers developed a fixation on the divinity of their property claims for a similar reason. They have maintained the Dane Law for centuries.
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