Society lied to you about "healthy" food.

Eat these 5 foods to stop feeling tired, sick, and weak:
Red Meat (Hunter’s Success)

Red meat is the ONLY food that contains all 21 amino acids naturally.

The next closest is chicken with 19.

Amino acids build protein, which you need to build and repair muscle.

More red meat = more muscle.
Red meat is the easiest and most accessible way to get B Vitamins. It also provides Vitamin D, Iron, Omega-3 fatty acids, Zinc, and Selenium.

Vitamin B Complex – Meat contains a variety of B vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.
They are critical for managing your metabolism, energy, mood, and so much more.

Vitamin D is needed for strong bones and teeth

Iron - Iron from meat is more readily absorbed than from vegetable sources.
Iron is needed to deliver oxygen to red blood cells, form energy and brain cells.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Red meat holds the number 2 slot as a source of Omega-3, second only to fish.

Society will tell you to eliminate or reduce your consumption of red meat.
Well the data speaks for itself.

Hong Kong is the country with the highest longevity. They also eat the greatest amount of red meat.
The countries with the lowest longevity eat the lowest amounts of meat: India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.

This is not a coincidence.

Red meat is healthy, do not be afraid to eat it.

Just avoid processed meat: deli meat, hot dogs, salami, etc. and you’re fine.
2) Eggs (The Complete Package)

Eggs are literally one of the healthiest foods on earth.

Think about it.

They have everything required to grow a baby chick.
Even the yolks.

You may be thinking, “Wait, egg yolks are full of cholesterol.”

Eating eggs leads to elevated levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), also known as the “good” cholesterol.

People who have higher HDL levels have a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health issues.
Despite what was believed in previous decades, there is NO direct link between egg consumption and increased heart disease or stroke.

Eggs are also particularly rich in the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin.
These antioxidants protect your eyes against harmful sunlight and reduce the risk of eye diseases like macular degeneration and cataracts.
3) Beef Tallow (Nature’s lubricant)

If you’re like most people, you’ve never cooked with tallow fat before
Most of us grew up under the mantra: skip the animal fat and bring on those “healthy” plant-based oils!
But, now we’re finding that a lot of the traditional food preparation methods – like slow-simmering bone broth and pickling garden veggies in vinegar – are actually some of the best cooking techniques for ensuring we’re consuming a nutrient-dense diet.
Cooking with tallow fat is the latest health food re-discovery that, it turns out, our ancestors had right all along.

It’s rendered fat, usually from cattle.
It can be made from rendering the suet – which is the white fatty layer that surrounds an animal’s organs – or from rendering the fat found within bone marrow.

Beef tallow is 50% saturated fat, 42% monounsaturated fat and only 4% polyunsaturated fat (plant-based oils).
The high saturated fat content is in fact *beneficial* as it promotes longevity.

Use beef tallow fat that is naturally rendered from marrow bones from 100% grass-fed, pasture-raised beef.
The resulting tallow is rich in nutrients, loaded with flavor that will enhance your cooking.

Benefits of tallow:

- Reduces inflammation – tallow contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is a natural omega-6 anti-inflammatory.
- Antimicrobial properties, which may help to ward off infections thanks to a fatty acid called palmitoleic acid

- Good for your nervous system – tallow is high in choline, a nutrient that supports the nervous system and helps protect nerve cells.
- Helps the body burn fat - beef tallow is an excellent source of cancer-fighting and fat-burning CLA’s (conjugated linoleic acid) and heart-friendly Omega 3 fatty acid.
- Softer skin – the saturated fat found in tallow nourishes your skin’s cell membranes, helping to keep your skin smooth. Tallow is found in many soaps and moisturizers.
- Protects your body from free radical damage – cooking with vegetable oils exposes you to harmful free radicals (damages your cells, can even cause cancer.)
Cooking with tallow does not, and is also rich in vitamin E, which helps to protect your cells from free radical damage.
4) Full-Fat Skyr (Icelandic Yogurt)

Society has pushed low-fat and non-fat versions of yogurt for years.

These low fat options are usually full of extra hidden sugars as well and may cause weight gain if eaten in large amounts.
However, you may be surprised to know that people who eat full fat yogurt are actually at no greater risk of developing heart disease than those who consume low fat options.

3 benefits of eating full-fat yogurt:

-Full-fat yogurt is less likely to spike your blood sugar.
-Full-fat yogurt tends to have less sugar.

-Fat allows you to absorb nutrients better than low or non-fat.
5.) Fermented foods (Yummy Bugs)

Fermenting foods is an ancient way of food preservation that involves a controlled growth of bacteria. The bacteria in the food converts sugars into acid or alcohol, giving the final product a sour taste.
Your gut is filled with beneficial bacteria (the microbiome) that have numerous health benefits:

-Aids digestion
-Fights off pathogens
-Makes vitamins
-Supports a healthy mood

Eating fermented foods helps diversify your microbiome.
The more diverse your microbiome, the less chance of chronic diseases such as obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, and asthma.

These amazing bacteria even produce enzymes to help digest foods, including Lactase, the enzyme to digest Lactose.
If you are lactose intolerant, fix your gut health by eating fermented foods and enjoy dairy products once again.

Some of the top fermented foods are:

-Raw kombucha
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In summary, society is keeping you fat, sick and dependent.

They say red meat, eggs, beef tallow and full-milk yogurt are unhealthy.

These 5 foods will drastically change your health for the better.

Odin wants you to scale mountains.
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