Am I correct in understanding that American baby formula is made of dangerous junk like vegetable oils and the FDA won’t allow in European formula because it’s made of healthy stuff?
Pure insanity. Yes, the labeling caused salmonella. 🙄 Also of course a product not regulated by the FDA isn’t going to meet FDA labeling requirements, that’s a tautology.
Read the entire article, it is certifiably insane. They really really really want you to think that formula sold in Germany and France and Sweden will kill your child.
Thank God you have Experts protecting your children from European formula. Where would you be without Experts, dear reader?
At some point they outright admit the only problem is with labeling (again, circular: of course a product sold in Europe won’t use US labeling rules). The labels!!! Your tax dollars go to pay for morons who obsess about labels and now there’s no baby formula in the US.
So why not allow the European stuff?

Alice in Wonderland.
Ah yes, if only Europeans had healthy food like the Americans.
Here’s a law I want: make it illegal for journalists to use the passive voice.
Oh my God, the kicker!!! Lady Expert who warns against European formula uses European formula with her own kid because it’s better.

"I’m trained in evidence-based medicine!!!" she sobbed as she mixed the German formula powder.
Peak white lady liberalism.
Wanna bet this lady also has BLM stickers on her Facebook and yet somehow lives in a 99% white neighborhood?
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