đŸ§” Unpopular facts thread on lithium:
First, about Bikita, then Zim lithium in general.
1. Bikita does NOT export “lithium”, and certainly not 500 tons/day. Facts below: https://twitter.com/fmaguwu/status/1525380513896226816
2. There are 2 ‘types of lithium’:

Bikita exports petalite. Used in ceramics (tiles, glass, kitchenware). The petalite Bikita exports is fully beneficiated; added AS IS in manufacturing. 
The company does not yet mine spodumene, which bears the lithium used for batteries
3. Now, what about “Chinese” takeover?
Bikita been mining for 50+ years. Who owns it?
74% held by African Metals Management Services & Southern African Metals and Minerals (owned by German investor Wilfried Pabst). Other shareholders are Bishop Mutendi & Dzikamai Mavhaire
7. As for China? It has 80% of global Li-ion manufacturing.
Since 2018, Chinese companies bought over $6bn worth of lithium mining projects globally. In 2021, Oct, Chinese firms had bought 6.4m tons of Li resources. Almost matches 6.8 Mt bought by ALL, the other companies in 2020
9. We could say ‘hatidi ne lithium yedu unless it’s as batteries’. Fair. Reality is Zim lithium is mined from hard rock. In Chile etc, it’s found in brine (salt plains). Cheaper to mine. Won’t always be scarce. So we need a balance; a policy that maximises our earnings
10. Problems on Zim lithium:
1. Govt has NO lithium policy yet to govern sector. ZanuPF’s inept, unpatriotic resource stewardship feeds ‘looting’
2. Blaming private investors selling to each other.
2. Belief that we can make lithium batteries. Just plain faith, zero facts
11. Not an expert, just going on current info and talking to those in the know: best is to push for local production of battery-grade lithium carbonate while demand remains. Prospect already produced samples of this.
Happy to learn from experts
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