7 habits that’ll get you ahead of 95% of people in their 20s:

Learn to enjoy your own company.

Travel alone.
Take walks alone.
Go to cafes alone.

Learn to be happy alone so you don’t waste your life chasing validation from others.
Delaying Gratification.

Every day, your dopamine is being drained.

• Phones
• Social media
• Hyper-palatable foods

This causes you to hop from stimulus to stimulus.

Over time, you become like 90% of people…

Unable to focus for more than 5 minutes.
Make it a daily habit to delay gratification.

Pick 1 habit:

• Writing
• Reading
• Meditation

Anything with no immediate reward.

Practice it for 5 minutes and up the time every session.

Over a period of week/months, you’ll develop laser-like focus.

Writing is focused thinking.

It forces you to develop 1 idea at a time.

Just like your body can’t build muscle without exertion, your mind can’t build understanding without exertion.

Block out 1 hour a day - no notifications, no people - and write.

Questioning conditions you to look for answers:

• Who can help the most?
• What can be done better?
• How can it be done faster?

Asking questions will open loops in your brain and force it to find answers.
Taking Tactical Risks.

Your risk to reward ratio will never be better than in your 20s.

You can fuck up for 10 years straight and still be okay in your 30s.

Your downside is limited to 0 but your upside is limitless.
Don’t waster your 20s.

If you have low risk:

• No kids
• Few liabilities
• Zero dependants

You can take “high” risks with:

• Business
• Investments
• Opportunities

Chase your “unrealistic” goals.
Giving Without Expectation.

Relationships shouldn’t be transactional.

Make friends with ambitious people and make it a habit to give value with 0 expectations.

This results in 10x returns.

Goodwill compounds.
Saying “No.”

“Yes” to one opportunity is “no” to another.

Your focus is your most powerful currency and your time is your most important asset.

Save it for what will move the needle the most.

Say no to everything else.
7 habits that’ll get you ahead of 95% of people in their 20s:

1. Solitude
2. Delaying gratification
3. Writing
4. Questioning
5. Taking tactical risks
6. Giving without expectations
7. Saying “no”
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