Some Similar shots


Both tied with a rope.
Both Heroines misunderstand hero at the start, loves them later.
Both lose their mother in childhood.
Mother gives a locket to Son
Both Sadists who work under their owners
Both get triggered & start Revolt.
Finding a weapon from Ground after being beaten up
Partners in Crimes/illegal supplies
Killing their own people.
Bajirao X Garuda
Both get killed by hero
Bajirao's brother Ras Bihari X Garuda's brother Adheera.
Comes to rebuild the empire & take into their hands.
Heroes losing their loved ones
Warning the Big gun(s)
Both looks after them since childhood
The First Faceoff
Both love heroines, end up being Comedians 😂
Both wears suits in 2nd half
Some Badass shots đŸ„”
End of the thread. Both movies are good on their own ways, but these are the similarities I had found.
Took lot of effort, RTs appreciated.
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