Anti-Infrared hysteria has the exact same structure and form of anti-communist reaction in history. It is a type of lumpenized ideological psychosis, melting all ideological differences for the sake of trying to repress an authentically novel event.
The knee jerk seething and hatred has a criminal, nihilistic character that unites liberals, Neo-Nazis, 'radical leftists' (including 'MLs' and 'Maoists') and others. They all acknowledge the need to destroy Infrared before even grounding the pretense to an ideological position.
It is basically the shameless class solidarity of the lumpenized petty bourgeoisie, working in tandem with literal feds. The mercenaries who worked for the CIA and Pentagon had the same character in the cold war. A bunch of criminal, anti-human lumpen scum.
Anti-infrared hysteria is blackshirt reactionism, completely irrational, nihilistic and unapologetically unprincipled. This is what reactionaries in history were like.
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