So I grew up in a very conservative religion that views abortion as a sin, and I live in a state that will outlaw abortion as soon as Roe is overturned. A lot of my fellow church members and Utahns assume I am "like-minded" and are shocked at my pro-choice RTs. 1/
The question of choice is something I've studied and wrestled with for over 30 years, because I want to understand, and I want to be both wise and compassionate. But what I've learned is in order to have an honest debate, both sides need to have foundational beliefs.
When one side views any termination of pregnancy as literal baby murder, there can be no debate. Obvs baby murder is bad!!! Everyone agrees on that except horrible people! So how is it that 70% of the country believes abortion isn't baby murder? Are 70% of us beyond redemption?
How do we determine what constitutes a baby? Science overwhelmingly agrees that an embryo and fetus are not a fully formed human. Some religions disagree, and many believe that at the moment of conception, an enteral spirit enters those cells, making it human.
There's no proof of this. It is a belief. It is faith. And people are absolutely free to believe as they will and act on that faith. But requiring others to believe and act according to others' religious beliefs? That's, like, just SO against the laws of this republic.
Also against the laws of this republic? Requiring anyone ever to put themselves in any harm or threat of harm in order to save another's life. Mandatory blood donations? Bone marrow? Kidneys? Liver? Skin grafts? NEVER! Even after death, no one can take our organs w/o permission.
The ONLY instance where laws require people to sacrifice their own health and give up their body autonomy in order to support another's life is with pregnant people. So it's not really about the sanctity of life, it's only about controlling pregnant bodies.
Those arguments are weighty to me. But my pro-life young mind really began to waver when I saw how the same people who are anti-abortion are also anti-everything that could prevent unwanted pregnancy. Sex education, accessible and affordable birth control and medical care.
And my pro-life convictions really took a whollop as I learned that those who are anti-abortion are also overwhelming anti-support for new parents. Post-natal parental leave, living wages enabling one parent to stay home, access to affordable childcare, education, and housing.
We KNOW how to prevent abortions:
Prevent unwanted pregnancies.
We KNOW how to prevent unwanted pregnancies:
Sex education & access to contraception for those who don't want kids.
Access to affordable medical care, ability to pay for & raise a family for those who do want kids.
But instead, what I see from pro-life thinkers are:
Blame. Shame.
Make it about how slutty and irresponsible women are.
Make it about good and evil.
One side is of God and therefore beyond debate.
And the other side is evil and sinful.
And here's the final realization that changed me:
If you believe that a pregnant person should be able to terminate their pregnancy if they were raped, if they are a victim of incest, if they are a 10yo child, if pregnancy and birth will kill them, then you are pro-choice.
Then ultra-conservative church I grew up in allows for pregnancy termination in cases of rape, incest, and threat of life to the pregnant person. That ultra-conservative church IS pro-choice.
"So rape victims can get abortions but nobody else. I don't think it should be used as a form of birth control." Okay, think this through with me. Every woman I know or a close family member of theirs has been raped. Despite the cruel myths, rape can and does cause pregnancy.
Imagine being a victim of rape and having to carry your rapist's baby? THIS HAPPENS. Rape is the least reported crime, and of those reported, the least convicted. So how does a rape victim who is entitled to an abortion prove what happened? And in the first 6 weeks of pregnancy?
Some proposed laws would allow for rape victims to receive an abortion if they can prove they've reported the crime to law enforcement. Know why so many don't report rapes? The police who don't believe them? Who then go to the perpetrator? Who now knows and retaliates?
If you are pro-life and you've come this far on this thread with me, thank you. I would just ask you to consider that pregnancy termination is an extremely difficult decision for most who make it, and they do it thoughtfully with their health care provider.
And that's how it should be. These decisions are medical decisions and should be between that individual and their doctor. And their loved ones. And religious leaders. And anyone who supports them. But not their politicians. That's none of their dang business.
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