7 habits I learned in my 20's that made me millions:
Invest all of your money into self-education.

An infinite budget for learning will give you infinite potential for earning.
Be willing to let go of friendships that don't serve you.

Just as crabs out grow their shells—

You must shed your past to expand into your future.
Say yes to everything despite being uncomfortable.

You can be afraid.

You can be anxious.

You can be anything but stagnant.
Find multiple mentors.

Seek specialists for every area of your life.

It takes a village to actualize your potential.
Get comfortable in isolation.

Fighting loneliness brings pain.

Mastering loneliness brings bliss.
Be intentional with what you feed your mind.

Trade social media for books.

Trade Netflix for courses.

Intentionality creates exponential growth.
Master the art of self-discipline.

If you want the rest of your life to be easy—

Make the beginning of your life incredibly difficult.

Get up early, work long hours, and face your problems head on.
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