6 reasons you need to start waking up at 6am:
1. To get a step ahead

This is the obvious one.

When you wake up while the rest of the world is still asleep you have time to do what YOU need to do.
Whether that’s getting a sweat on in the gym or getting your headphones on for some deep work, the peace and quiet of the morning hours are unmatched.
2. Circadian rhythm

You evolved waking up with the sun and going to sleep with the sun, it’s how we are meant to sleep and exposure to early morning sunlight helps set our circadian rhythm, allowing us to maximize the quality of our sleep.
Start waking up with the sun, lean into your natural circadian rhythm and experience better sleep than you could dream off.
3. Winning the morning

When you wake up early you have already got one accomplishment under your belt

After all, it would've been much easier to lie all cuddled up under the covers.
Having this accomplishment under your belt early on allows you to build momentum in the morning, completing more and more tasks.

Which soon turns into winning the morning and then winning the day.
4. Control

Waking up early puts you on the front foot, you’re no longer rushing around like a headless chicken trying to catch up.

Instead, you’ve gotten up early, given yourself plenty of time to do what you need to do and you’re calm, relaxed, and ready to dominate the day.
5. Mental clarity

Early mornings are full of quiet.

Peace and quiet.

Giving you not only time to do what you need to do (like we talked about earlier) but also time to get a sense of where you are, be present, and clear your mind of any wandering thoughts.
6. Successful people do it

Now this one might be a bit superficial, but there’s a reason the majority of successful people, from Tim Cook to Benjamin Franklin, get up early.

When successful people give you a map, it would be stupid not to follow it, especially when it works.

1. To get a step ahead
2. Circadian Rhythm
3. Winning the morning
4. Control
5. Mental Clarity
6. Successful people do it
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