#bkdk #bakudeku #fluff or whatever happens here. quirkless au

When an IT worker Izuku Midoriya came back to his apartment on the second floor he noticed that something was wrong. There's no way he put All Might's figurine /on the floor/.

Somebody must have entered the room!
"Who's there?" He asked to nobody and was met with a dead silence of his home. Looking around he noticed that some little things like utensils and his laptop were missing. Gosh, even spicy seasonings were stolen!

He went straight to his room, opening it widely to check on—
there but was met with a blond guy, standing in the middle of the room, shirtless.


"Oh my god, i'm sorry!" Izuku closed the door with a thud, panicking for the intrusion...



He opened the foor again, ready to fight if needed, when he noticed the guy trying to escape out of the window.






"I SAID FU- AGH!" The blond caught on the windowsill—
accidentally kicking Izuku's jaw along the way and flew down into the bushes. Izuku gasped.

"Are you alright?" But the blond didn't answer, eyes closed. "Oh no, I think I killed him." The green haired man started panicking, walking to and fro in his room. "Gosh!"
He wanted to call the police but if he did and if the blond was dead he will be arrested! What should he do? Oh, maybe to just bury him in the gard- wait, Izuku, this is not the opinion!

He ran down to check on the stranger, taking a fork to protect himself. Just in case.
The man was in the same spot, breathing evenly. Gosh, he wasn't dead at least!

"Hey!" Izuku came closer, the fork between his hands. "Hey, thief!" He nudged his shoe. No reaction.

Izuku tried again. "Hey, if you're tricking me, I will kill you for real!" He nearly whispered.
No reaction again.

"Should I call an ambulance? No, wait, they will ask questions. Well, I can tell them the truth but they will think I pushed him out of the window. What if i do call the police and explain them what happened, they will watch the cameras and they won't–"
"Can you please shut the fuck up?" the blond sighed, looking up in the sky and not moving.

"You're awake!"

"Of course I'm awake, it was the second floor, you idiot!"
Izuku folded his arms, huffing. "Excuse you, but Mrs. Shimura, my neighbour, loved to grow roses under my window, and I bet it must be painful right now."

"No shit, Freckles," he tried to stand up but couldn't move. "Mind giving a hand?"

"Why would I help my thief?"
"Because otherwise, as you said, I will report you to the police, saying that you pushed me." The blond smirked slyly.

There was no way the police would believe that! Right?


"I didn't! do that, you fell off yourself!" Izuku tried.
"Well, technically yes, but you fought me."

"Because you were trying to escape!"

"I was running away cuz you chased after me!"

"But you broke into my house!"

"To /look around/!"

Izuku chocked. "What the hell?"
The blond smirked again, ignoring the question. "By the way, your golden age All Might figurine is shitty, doesn't even deserve its place on the shelf."

"How dare you! As if you've seen better than that!"

"Of course I fucking did, you dumbass."

Izuku rolled his eyes. "Like?"
"Like the silver age limited 2007 edition one."

Izuku gasped. "You're joking."

"Nope, I got it. And I will give it to you if you help me. See, my leg hurts, I think i broke it into your dumbass chin."

That was insane. Helping your thief to get the figurine?
But it wasn't /just/ a figurine, it was the silver age limited 2007 edition /ALL MIGHT/ figurine and... probably a stolen one. But still...

Izuku whined.

"So, mind giving a hand?" The blond asked again, outstanding his palm and smiling wide.

"I hate you."

Izuku took the hand.
- tbc - thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the the beginning of the story!! if so, small tips are appropriated 🥰

the continuation will be when the goal is reached! https://ko-fi.com/ikratkaya 
You can follow @ikra_kay.
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