Avoid startup failure by working with the right partners.

Here's 4 things to look for: 🧵
1. Complimentary Skills

In a startup you'll need as much time as possible to find market fit.

When there are skill gaps in the founding team you need hire for those holes.

An increase in expenses increases the likelihood of failure.

Minimize skill gaps!
2. Optimistic

You don't need me to tell you over 90% of startups fail.

Work with people who see the opportunity and not the obstacles.

A great way to test...propose an idea:

If they immediately explain why it won't work...it's a NO for me.
3. Personal Growth

As founders our skills and personalities need to grow with our companies.

I am 100% committed to personal growth and I want my partners to be too.

If you don't constantly challenge your comfort zone -- how can change when the company needs you to?
4. Toughness

I look for partners who have been through the fire.

If you're attempting difficult things failure is inevitable.

But anyone who has experienced an ego crushing loss knows it changes you (in a good way) forever.

I want those people in my corner.
With the wrong team, even the best ideas are destined for failure.

But with the right one you'll be more motivated than ever to succeed.

Choose wisely.
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And follow @barrettjoneill for more content on business and growth. https://twitter.com/barrettjoneill/status/1518944456489193475
5. Good person

It’s important to do business with people who have strong morals.

Can I trust you? If I ever feel like I can’t — I’m out.
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