Gamefi is mad dumb imo, like why the fuck do we wanna gamify finance, it’s like one of the most dumb things I’ve heard of, like yeah great ponzi, but this shit not gonna succeed long term at all 💀💀💀, like play2earn is literally just yield farming but slightly more 1/?
attractive to overall retail as it seems like less of a gamble and more of you working to gain something, like none of these *games* are fun compared to most regular games, like you could take an old flash game and add tokens to it and retail would ape, gamefi is so stupid.
Plus some of the “uses” of NFTs in gaming I’ve heard are mad dumb, if retail was openly able to trade digital game copies profit from game companies would dump hard since people would be willing to just wait to buy it off of others at a discount once people get bored or finish it
The only use case I see for NFTs or something similar would be some form of skin/cosmetic item market inside of a game similar to how csgo skins work, but more transferable+easier to use + maybe an in game currency with real value that they can be sold for.
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