13 Visuals: Why We're Sicker, Fatter, and Weaker Than Ever

Explaining how we went from THAT to THIS 🧵
1. Agricultural Subsidies 🌾

Since 1995, Uncle Sam has funneled

$116 billion to corn

$48 billion to wheat

$45 billion to soybeans

Junk crops stay cheap, real food seems expensive.
2. The Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio has skyrocketed 🚀

Hunter gathers had a ratio of 2.4 : 1

Modern man has a ratio of 12 : 1

Contributing to inflammation, obesity, and chronic disease... 
3. Processed Garbage 🗑

In a 2017 nationally representative cross-sectional study,

Researchers found that the average American gets 57.5% of their calories from processed foods.

More than *half* of food is fake.
4. Growth of Physicians to Administrators 👨‍⚕️

Between 1975 and 2010,

The number of U.S. physicians grew 150%.

The number of healthcare administrators went up 3200%.
5. Sleep? 🥱

As of 2013, 40% of Americans got 6 hours of sleep or less per night.

In 1942, only 11% reported that.

In the modern world, most people are overworked and underpaid... from @KatBuchholz
6. Financial Stress.

People can't care about their health with a financial boot on their neck.

The money system is broken.
7. The Loneliness Epidemic (starting before 2020).

This study found that being lonely is just as bad for you as smoking 15 cigarettes a day 🚬
8. Testosterone Levels Have Plummeted.

In the past 50 years, the average man's testosterone has almost halved.
9. Processed Sugar.

The average American eats anywhere between 17 and 22 tablespoons of added sugar per day.

Processed sugar = Poison
10. Normalization of Pornography.

40 million Americans regularly watch it.

In fact, 28,258 users are watching pornography every second.
11. Widespread Trauma.

61% of Americans surveyed suffered one ACE (sexual abuse, neglect, violence, etc).

Events like these impact people on biological, emotional, and social levels for years to come.
12. The Standard American Diet consists of 19% vegetable oils.

We also call these "industrial sludge."

Check it out for yourself:
13. Industrial Agriculture.

More than 1 billion pounds of pesticides are used in the U.S. each year.

5.6 billion pounds are used worldwide.,are%20limited%20or%20non%2Dexistent
THESE are what's making people sick, fat, and weak.

People are not inherently lazy.

The system has to change.

Take back your health 🌞
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Cheers 🍻
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