Generation X is weird.

These 42-57 year-olds are so strange it presents golden opportunities.

Here are 10 mind hacks to use with Gen X:
Before we start, I’ll be generalizing.

Not every Gen X will think this way.

Especially those Gen Xers closer in age to either Boomers (born 1946-64) or Millennials (born 1981-96).

But these tricks will work with most.

Let’s go…
1: Motivate Gen X with two phrases, “Do it your way” and “Don’t sweat the rules”

Many Gen X grew up in divorced single-parent homes.

So were forced to be self-reliant and unsupervised early on.

They want independence to get it done their way.
2: Send your Gen X colleagues well-written emails.

Gen X grew up with email -- but before SMS or apps.

Their teachers stressed correct writing, too.

Poor grammar drives Gen X nuts.
3: Acknowledge Gen X's emails quickly.

They will love you.

Gen X wants to know who is responsible at all times.

They grew up when institutions weren’t to be trusted.
4: Focus with Gen X on mission and results.

Not seniority, effort, or hours worked.

You’ll often hear Gen X say, “If someone gets the job done in half the time, that’s fine.”
5: Allow Gen X a balanced life.

Gen X grew up with workaholic Boomer parents.

Seeing that, Gen X thinks work is part of life but not why they live.
6: Bond with Gen X as individuals.

Not as part of a tribe (Millennials) or institution (Boomers).

Institutions from Gov’t to marriage showed they couldn't be trusted during Gen X's youth.
7: Be direct with Gen X.

Give them data.

Gen X says “Tell me how it is!” and cuts out the fluff.

For generations like Millennials, this is hard.

Millennials want the “shit sandwich” for feedback.
8: Just acknowledge Gen X exists.

Gen X feels forgotten.

Only 20% of the population.

They’re also the people in your org with their heads down, getting stuff done.

But, take them for granted and they can bolt.
9: Expect Gen X to be pessimistic.

Boomers/Millenials grew up in ages of abundance.

Gen X is the first generation to NOT do as well financially as their parents or kids did.
10: Expect Gen X to want work-life separation.

Expect them to be friendly but not “friends” at work.

Unlike recent generations who bring their personal life to work.

Win by doing these things with Gen X:

1) Say "Do it your way"
2) Use well-written emails
3) Say "I got it!"
4) Focus on the mission w/ them
5) Allow life balance
6) Bond as people
7) Be direct
8) Acknowledge they exist
9) Expect pessimism
10) Expect work-life separation
Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this or feel pity for me, retweets and likes of the first post in this thread would be great!

I’m going to do another one of these for Baby Boomers (1946-1964), so give me a follow @girdley if you want to be sure to see that!

(Oh and thanks to @barrettjoneill for helping with the hook here. Mad talent that guy. Follow him!)
Hilarious how every Gen X reply is “I was skeptical at first” and “I don’t like the words mind hack because that’s what institutions do”.

Also, little know fact: Gen X was named after @XavierHelgesen. The more you know ;-)
You can follow @girdley.
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