WIP thread noting all the potential problems noted with the TOGETHER manuscript. 🧵

These are being worked through by various people, and some of them will have good explanations. Gathering them here to keep track.

Reply to this first tweet with issues I may have missed.
Let's start with the mistaken sums.
1. A death moving between treatment and placebo. https://twitter.com/sudokuvariante/status/1509452834730827780?t=gxlyYobF155En05LOWop6Q&s=19
2. Magic fifties. https://twitter.com/MaryKRe/status/1509623217065013258?t=gxlyYobF155En05LOWop6Q&s=19
3. Per protocol 60 ghosts.

Was it 228 or 288?

Spotted by @phillyharper
4. Underdosing those over 90kg: https://twitter.com/alexandrosM/status/1510075920106762243?t=ZV8QUluHn_lakuSZ7ZMmbQ&s=19
5. Biased dropped events? https://twitter.com/mmpaquette/status/1509579476413210665?t=t1jjJr-AR7LtvZt7xs-yWw&s=19
6. Mentioning exclusions in the discussion section but not in the exclusion section or the protocol. https://twitter.com/alexandrosM/status/1509431705777565698?s=20&t=c3_9Eocc6m3JT3o2CME5Iw
7. More data slop. https://twitter.com/MaryKRe/status/1510096719379316736?t=wiZ5kWU6zpkRRPZ3EyNQoQ&s=19
8. By advising taking the medication on an empty stomach, plasma levels never reached the threshold required to show an effect: https://twitter.com/Amabiel1/status/1509292304951123970?t=i9QADZfSpptxUqQ6C3Vlnw&s=19
9. Violating its stated randomization protocol, the trial seems to have engaged in "catch-up" enrollment around the time it reset the dosing (and just as Gamma variant was ascendant) - https://longhaulwiki.com/resources/assets/Numerous%20issues%20with%20the%20TOGETHER%20trial.pdf
10. Another serious, potentially lethal issue: Including contraindicated patients. https://ivmmeta.com/#togetherivm 
11. Lots of missing data, results, and analyses that were either promised in the protocol, or provided for other studies done in the context of the same trial. https://ivmmeta.com/#togetherivm 
12. There is a huge lack of clarity whether vaccinated patients were allowed into the trial, and from when. There seems to have been no attempt to balance vaccination status in treatment/control? https://twitter.com/millenamos/status/1509442036662898688?t=dVZMS5pdpDOjwl95UssPRA&s=19
13. The patients with missing time from onset seem to be having particularly great results.
14. Was it improperly terminated? https://twitter.com/alexandrosM/status/1510765353462239232?t=mGfhhPuvmVTGUi_HZr2zVw&s=19
15. Were the results misrepresented? https://twitter.com/alexandrosM/status/1510741181759574017
16. Protocol Violating Multiple Imputation

Authors claimed in the protocol that the technique would be used to fill at most 20% missing values, and yet for Time Since Symptom Onset in Table 1 they applied it for 317 values, or just over 23%.
17. The Data and Safety Monitoring Committee was claimed to have no involvement in the protocol, but obviously did. https://twitter.com/alexandrosM/status/1511612742351798276?t=ldRVuPISH9TJRdJgjwoO7Q&s=19
18. The data sharing agreement keeps getting altered... https://twitter.com/alexandrosM/status/1511651836297576451?t=ldRVuPISH9TJRdJgjwoO7Q&s=19
19. Two ethics violations. The second one in particular has me fuming if true. https://twitter.com/alexandrosM/status/1512180745653026833?t=Gftsb5iL2z1lF67dmbwpTw&s=19
20. Why did the acceptance rate of patients go from 53% in the first 3 months of 2021 to 27% in the next 4? https://twitter.com/alexandrosM/status/1512792713489387523?t=iHSdxDs6vKYPKOVoLGVaxg&s=19
I'm starting to get a sense of what is happening. My first attempt at explaining it is here, but it's not complete yet. https://twitter.com/alexandrosM/status/1512452800181317633?t=SLki-paU2--wdiutzARn_A&s=19
The truth is staring us in the face, right here.
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