Ways to open a speech...


"The day I decided to never be poor in life was 5yrs ago precisely 2017, when I watched a beloved member of my family die right in my arms in hospital because there was no money for treatment. Everyone we turned to bounced us. My father
was not well to do financially despite working for the Govt for 25yrs... he practically had nothing to show for it. My younger ones were chased out of school for fees almost always. I was forced to start working menial jobs to help yet nothing got better..."

In storytelling,
you speak in a language that your audience understands. The above story will definitely connect with persons who are broke and want to make money online.

STORYTELLING makes your listeners connect with you immediately as you have their full attention. This is only if the story
connects with their emotions.
Your story must always centre around what is being discussed. Your story must have a hook because that's what make people keep listening.
To understand storytelling, you need to understand copywriting.
Your audience should be able to visualize what you are saying in their minds else you are failing already.

Then, ask yourself

“What is it that I want my audience to get out of this story by the end of it?” Work your way to the end point of your story from its very beginning.
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