☦️ Thread:

The 20 Aerial Tollhouses, and what ordeals the soul will face after death as it rises to Heaven.
If you would like to understand the teaching of the Aerial Tollhouses because you don't already know, or simply need a refresher, this thread tells you everything you need to know. https://twitter.com/PatriarchPrimus/status/1266161820827561990?s=20&t=wFFxiMoj5tIQ-UB37l8VhA
The long and short of it is this:

When you die, your soul will be accused by the demons as it ascends to Heaven. The handwriting of your sins will be laid out. If you have no answer, such as that you confessed, then the demons will gain strength over you to pull you to hell.
Likewise, your Guardian Angel will be there as your protector, revealing your hidden virtues, or carrying as your assistance the prayers of the righteous or commemorations at the Liturgy, both of which can rip up the handwriting of your sins.
All 20 Ordeals listed in this thread will be taken directly from Saint Theodora's Journey through the Tollhouses with Saint Basil the New

As the Tollhouses progress, the weight of the sins becomes heavier, and more dangerous will the higher ranked sins be to one's salvation.
The 1st Ordeal: Sins of the Tongue

Idle Talk, Abusive Speech, Blasphemy, Worldly Songs, Frivolous Laughter

The record of all these including when, where, and in whose company will be laid out, even the times you didn't consider it sinful.
The 2nd Ordeal: Lies

Every lying word, failure to keep oaths, using God's name in vain, failure to keep vows to God, Insincere or False Confession of Sins

They will also accuse of lies in small matters, such as "white lies," which can be overcome by prayers of the righteous
The 3rd Ordeal: Condemnation and Slander

Spreading Rumors, Speaking Evil of Others, Judging Someone's Deeds, Damaging the Reputation of Others, Laughing at the Failure's of Others

"Such sinners are regarded as Antichrists" for they have vainly taken the right of God to judge
The 4th Ordeal: Gluttony

Eating Secretly or Needlessly, Eating Before Prayer, Breaking the Fast, Drunkenness

The demons will present the very goblets you got drunk with. While it can be overcome by prayer, it is better to not have these be brought to the end of your life at all
The 5th Ordeal: Sloth

Hours of the Day Spent in Idleness, Those who Live Off the Labor of Others, Those who do not Fulfill Their Job's Work including Volunteer Work, People who Skip Liturgy on Sundays and Feast Days, or Those who Skip Other Services like Vespers
The 6th Ordeal: Theft

All Things Stolen from Youth to Adulthood
The 7th Ordeal: Love of Money

Those who are Avaricious or Stingy, Refusal to Give Alms or Tithe
The 8th Ordeal: Usury

Lenders of Money for Interest, Those who Gain Riches by Exploiting Others, Those who take Bribes, Those who Steal Indirectly and Acquire what Belongs to Others
The 9th Ordeal: Injustice

Unjust Judges, Those who Acquit the Guilty and Condemn the Innocent, Those who do not Pay Wages to whom they've Hired, Merchants who Unjustly Upcharge on Goods they Sell
The 10th Ordeal: Envy

Those who Lack Love for their Neighbor, Those who Hate their Brother, Unfriendliness, Other Manifestations of Hatred
The 11th Ordeal: Pride

Vanity, Reliance on Oneself instead of God, Disdain of Others, Bragging, Failure to Honor One's Parents or Government
The 12th Ordeal: Anger and Rage

Occasions when You Speak Angrily or in an Unfeeling Manner, Harmed Anyone by Words, Even Times when You Looked Angrily at Others, or Punished your Children Severely
The 13th Ordeal: Bearing Grudges

Those who Nurture Evil Thoughts Against their Neighbor, Those who Return Evil for Evil
Th 14th Ordeal: Murder

Robbers, Those who Hurt Others by a Strike or Wounded Others in Any Way even by Shoving
The 15th Ordeal: Magic

Sorcery, Poisoning, Incantations, Witchcraft, Enchantments
The 16th Ordeal: Fornication

Not Only Fornication, but also Daydreaming Lustful Thoughts, Lustful Touches, Masturbation, Impure Glances at Others
The 17th Ordeal: Adultery

The Married who have Sex Outside of Marriage, Rapists, Those who Failed to Keep a Vow of Celibacy,
The 18th Ordeal: Sodomy

Unnatural Sins, Incest, Revolting Deeds Performed in Secret

"The stench that came from [the demons of sodomy] was not to be endured, their ugliness was unimaginable, their cruelty and ruthlessness not to be expressed."
The 19th Ordeal: Heresy

Those who Found False Reasons not to be Orthodox, Lack of Faith, Doubts About the Faith, Denial of the Holy Things, Negative Attitudes About Holy Things, Turning Away from the Orthodox Confession
The 20th Ordeal: Cruelty of Heart

"Even if a man performs the most outstanding deeds, mortifies himself by fasting, prays ceaselessly, and guards and keeps the purity of his body, but is merciless, from this station he is cast down into the abyss of hell..."
There were many sins not tried by the Tollhouses, that is because those who die to those sins have no capacity to be saved. Instead of going through the ordeals, they descend directly to hell.

Those are the Suicides and the Apostates.
Another group that does not pass through the Tollhouses are those who are not Orthodox. They descend directly to hell, however, they still have the capacity to be saved unlike the suicides and the apostates.
God be with ye ☦️
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