Psychology Of Manipulation You Should Know.

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1. Choice of meeting location.

- You might be asked to meet in a place he/she has more more dominance and control.

- It makes them feels ownership and familiarity and where you lack them.

- Avoid getting caught in this trick, choose a place that is neutral, new to both of you.
2. Pushes you to speak first.

- By speaking first, you establish your baseline and they vigilantly look for your Weaknesses.

- They ask you probing questions to understand your thoughts better

- Dont overtalk, ask questions in return to understand the opposite person's stance
3. Manipulation of Facts.

- Lying/Excuse-making/Being two-faced/Blaming the victim/withholding of key information/Exaggeration/ One-sided bias of issue

- Dont fall for lies or feel bad for when someone starts blaming. They might be trying to manipulate you
4. "intellectual bullying"- showing off expertise and knowledge.

- They take advantage of you by imposing alleged facts, statistics, and other data you may know little about

- Dont lose your stance. If it is a pre-planned meeting, do your homework to have better knowledge.
5. Raising voice.

- Raising voice is a common form of aggressive manipulation.

- It might make you get scared and give them what they want.

- Remain cool and calm. put forth your point clearly.
6. Giving you little or no time to decide.

- The person puts pressure on you to make a decision before you're ready.

- By applying tension and control onto you, you might give in to their demands.

- Ask for time. Else, reject the offer right away.
7. Negative Humor.

- They might use negative humor or sarcasm, to make you seem inferior and less secure.

- By making you look bad and getting you to feel bad, they impose psychological superiority over you.

- Display positive attitude and just ignore their sarcasm.
8. Criticism to make you feel inadequate.

- By constantly marginalizing, ridiculing, and dismissing you, they throw you off-balance and maintain their superiority.

- Dont get lost in the negativity. Find genuine and constructive solutions to prove your point.
9. The silent treatment.

- They ignore you, wantedly avoids responding to your calls, text messages, emails

- Due to this, doubt and uncertainty creeps into your mind

- Start finding alternate options. Subtly, let them know that they are not the only option
10. Pretend Ignorance.

- They pretend that they did not understand what you want, or what you from them.

- They might make you take additional responsibility.

- Take time to make them understand their portion of the task. And try to portray all the responsibilities you have.
Thanks for reading.

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