(1) PRODUCT CATEGORIES - DROPSHIPPING EUROPE - A THREAD after making making 70 mio Euro revenue in Europe Dropshipping!

To explain our product matrix strategy. We sold this product 5682 times in one country alone! đź’Ł
(2) First of all, get away from the “one magic winning product” theory, this is BS, are you looking for a sustainable business that is financing your life for a few years or do you want to be a one hit wonder and disappear again?
(3) Everybody that is telling you, you just need that one big product then you are done in life, is LYING to your face, and I can guarantee you, they def. do not live of DS profits for more than a few weeks.
(4) Of course you will find winners and of course the big scale numbers come from unique products but you need to find good products on a constant basis, test test test!
(5) If you are really looking for that huge numbers, 50K a day, 100K a day, big numbers over months you need to focus on a category that includes most to nearly all persons in an audience, especially in Europe DS, because you don’t have too many people per country.
(6) The category needs to be general, you should be able to promote the products within this category through push marketing (FB ADS), this means your customers does not look for a product, but needs it (wants to have it) it the second it is shown.
(7) You need to have various, better thousands of variants of products in that category, in best case your customers wants more and more of that category although maybe it is not even needed, and last but not least, the selling price range should be 24.99-99.99 Euro.
(8) OFF TOPIC: Europeans are a little bit less price sensitive than Americans, this is a good thing for you, because you can charge more for the same products, usually we never sell anything under 34.99. Take your US price level and do this with the selling price for the
(9) The following countries: DE +5%, NL +5%, FR 0%, SW +10-15%, NO +5-10%, FI +5-10%, PL 0%.
(10) And yes, what comes to your mind? Exactly, fashion and shoes, you could laugh now, because everybody is doing it, but exactly because it is simply the category in which you can make the most money!
(11) Imma be real with you, you won’t get rich through one winning product, you won’t get rich finding one gadget with a fulfilment price ratio of let’s say 20%. Yes, fashion profit margins are relatively small, yes refunds are relatively big, BUT
(12) There is no other category in which you have this endless buying power and this huge possibility to scale! At the end of the day it is about the absolut numbers in DS, I don’t give a shit about relative numbers, I am interested in that absolute profit number!
(13) Fashion and shoes are “WINNING CATEGORIES” not winning products, as soon as you realise this difference, it is another game.
(14) What do you do now? Try to find a seasonal “winning” product in sub categories of fashion and shoes and make a winning product matrix out of it: try to find this product by searching FB USA, Ali directly (most sold) or in tools like Ad Spy (will do a thread on Product re.)
(15) Then do the following: 1. Test the product as it is in NL (we always start testing in NL) with the existing creative, no rocket science, just copy everything and translate it and put it the Dutch store and also take the existing creative(s) as ad(s).
(16) If this does not work, go get the next one and repeat these steps, if it works: 2. Put the product in the exact same way into all of your other Europe stores (horizontal scaling) and let the product run in every country that is profitable for it.
(17) 3. Create new creatives for the products by taking existing ones and create collages, change back ground, do slideshows etc (we use Canva - will do a thread on FB creatives as well) and create a new camp on FB with the new creatives, see what happens.
(18) 4. Same time try to find similar products like the one you have, again no rocket science, use Ali picture search try to find new colours and very similar products.
5. Repeat step 1-4 with as many similar products from Ali as you can handle.
(19) 6. Repeat step 1-5 in many different sub categories of Fashion and shoes: lets say your first winner was a shoe for men, then try the same thing for winter jackets women, jeans for men etc, build different winning product matrix.
(20) 7. Repeat step 1-6 by building a team that can test more products then everybody else, we are doing at least 500 products a week!!!!

We will get into creatives creation, FB and product research in another thread.

Thanks again!
Read to the end bonus, this was another winner, sold 3000 times in one country.
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