So as posted a long time ago this 18.6 year cycle along with the Mcwhirter and Saturn square Uranus combination is why economic hardship was predicted starting May 15th of 2022: 4-years of falling prices, business stagnated, breadlines, soup kitchens, despair, and unemployment.
1.) The point of this is to stress that with rising energy costs comes increased costs for transportation of goods. All of this will trickle down into every single product from animal feed to the distance between processing and packaging factories, & ultimately the cost of food.
2. Food rationing, shortages, and socio-cultural divisions will become an increasingly important topic of consideration across the next 4 years all the way up to the Saturn Conjoined Neptune cycle.
3. The Saturn conjunct Neptune effects will be initially felt and pushed into existence at the time of the Jupiter square Pluto aspect in mid 2023 up until the actual conjunction of Saturn with Neptune at the beginning of 2026. The Saturn-Neptune themes are of materialistic...
4. reductionism, a diminishing of physical property and wealth, asceticism, judging what is truth and what is illusion, poisoning, pollution, toxic chemical effects, a subtle poisoning of the public mind or political environment in a variety of forms, drug addiction epidemics,
5. credibility gaps, widespread loss of faith, etc as found on pages 472 and 473 of Richard Tarnas's Cosmos and Psyche book. From page 470: "A characteristic motif of Saturn-Neptune eras is a heightened tension and dialectic between ideals, hopes, and beliefs on the one hand and
6.the hard realities of life on the other. The same complex can express itself in the form of heightened conflicts between religion and secularism--"belief and facts," "faith-based and reality-based" (And in the United States, "red states" and "blue states")--each side perceiving
7. the other to be living in a state of delusional self-deception." It goes on to further say..."a collective experience of tragic loss, the defeat of ideals and aspirations, the death of a dream, which are accompanied by a sense of profound sorrow."
8. So we are entering into a few heightened waves. The current and ongoing Saturn-Uramus square destabilizing our foundational economic and geopolitical systems followed by the upcoming 2023 to 2026 Saturn-Neptune era. However to be more precise the difficult portion of this era
9. will occur simultaneously with the Jupiter Saturn square in 2024. Again, begins 2023 peaks 2024 subsides 2026. These are due to the penumbral orbs of conjunction along with other coinciding cycles.
Coincidence that the Ukraine WAS a net exporter? This will become felt beginning in winter of 2022 and into 2023.
The most thorough geopolitical break down for the coming future. The world will face a decline of population in excess of 1 billion in the next few years. 2hr 30min long, but nearly covers every conceivable metric holding the current global order together.
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