in 15 years they got the entire population of the world hooked on something that's as destructive to the human being as crack cocaine
literally nothing else matters. this is THE issue. smartphones, internet 3.0 and onward. war in ukraine? covid? war on terror? trump? it doesnt fucking exist bro. it's a figment of your crack riddled brain
other shit is going on and there are other problems in the world. but it pales in comparison. every single thing you could mention is at worst, an infinitesimally small part of the technological problem. you are on crack
you and everyone you know and your entire family are all crackheads
at worst you could say this ukraine stuff is important because its a war being fought by crackheads lead by crackheads, which is a historical novelty that we dont have precendense for. but then again we do, they did a lot of crack in ww2
but i digress
it goes like this: radio -> trench warfare and the destruction of europe -> tv -> lsd & mkultra -> birth control -> gulf war/revolution in military affairs -> internet -> "smart" technology interface design -> "face masks"
and just in time
we have now time travelled back to 2020 and the beginning of covid videos coming out of china
people ask "what mean, "the gulf war didnt take place". you better start believing the gulf war didnt take place. youre in one
the world is infintely complex, and every issue is fractally multifaceted and interrelated with everything else. BUT, if one of the facets of a problem is "you are a crackhead", then you need to start there before you can get to the finer details of the problem
"why do women do this?"
they are on crack
"why do men do that?"
they are on crack
"why do americans do this?"
they are on crack
"why do europeans do this?"
they are on crack
"why do rich people do this?"
they are on crack and they are satanic pedophiles
start with adressing the "on crack" issue, work your way to the rest
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