Benefits Of Single-tasking (Doing one thing at a time)

--- A THREAD ---
We introduced technology so that our work would become easier.

But what really happened?

We got ourselves entangled in its endless web.

Today, we are multitasking not only on the computers and phones, but also offline, and that has become worrisome.
If you think multitasking is making you more productive; let me break it to you; it's not.

In fact, according to researchers, your productivity drops by 20% when your brain frantically switches from one task to another.

So here's what you got to do - single-task!
Here are the benefits of single-tasking:

1. Improves Quality Of Work

When you do one thing at a time, you give it your 100% attention.

This means the chances of errors reduce drastically.

Remember the old saying, "Haste makes a waste" -- that's what multitasking does.
2. Stress Takes A Back Seat

When you do one thing and then suddenly switch to doing a different task, your focus gets shifted and a simple task that could have been completed in one go will now take you longer.

When such tasks keep piling on, stress also piles on.
On the other hand, when the tasks on your to-do start to get ticked off one after the other, your stress also gets ticked off in a similar fashion.

So, single-tasking is how you keep your stress levels in check.
3. It Boosts Creativity

Sure, single-tasking may sound boring, but when you get through the initial phase of discomfort, and immerse yourself in doing something, you actually unlock your brain's potential.

You start to think of different ideas and get new perspectives.
No wonder why creative people often need quiet, alone time to focus on their craft and uncover their true skills and abilities.
4. You Become More Committed

When you start to practice single-tasking on a regular basis, you will notice your commitment level go up.

Being laser-focused on a particular activity means you don't tend to distractions.

You stop only when you complete the task.
5. Your Attention Span Increases

In the age of reels & tiktoks, our attention span has drastically gone down - 8 seconds is all it takes for us to switch our focus from one thing to another.

When you single-task, your attention span increases and so does your productivity.
6. Your Personal Life Also Improves

Single-tasking is not limited only to your professional life, but also your personal.

- When you're with someone and are not looking into your phone or doing any other activity, the person feels respected and cared for.
- When you eat your meals without watching anything on your television/laptop or talking to someone, you give your mind some rest and are able to fully relish the food.
- When you work out while listening to a podcast -- your mind is elsewhere and your body is elsewhere; will any of it benefit you?


- Single-tasking is an art that takes time to master. Start small and slowly level up.

- If you're feeling stuck in a task even after you have tried your best to get through with it, you can switch to another task to get a break and a fresh perspective.
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