In the ancient world, part of being a philosopher was living the life of a philosopher, or being virtuous, brave and the like. Now, philosopher’s just have to say pretty thoughts
In the ancient world you had Marcus Aurelius, who ruled the Roman Empire with immense honor and wisdom, Diogenes who lived naked in a barrel, Pythagoras who founded a cult and Socrates who would die for his philosophy.
With modern philosophers, Jeremy Bentham was basically an incel, Nietzsche went insane, Rousseau gave up a child for adoption and was a horrible partner, Marx was horrible to his family and permanently broke. Most 20th century philosophers were academics who never went outside
I think you can’t judge a person’s thoughts independent of who they are. I think it’s telling that the philosophies of the Ancient world were telling statements on how to live the good life and still stand strong today.
Meanwhile most modern philosophies are give “everything is math and people are machines” or “give state or geniuses like me more power”
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