9 Tips To Come Out Of Your Comfort Zone.

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1. Identify your comfort zone and what is out of that zone.

- List down the things that you believe are worth doing, but afraid.

- List down your comforts and discomforts.
2. Be fearless.

- List down your fears - fear of uncertainity, fear of unknown, fear of failure.

- Device an action plan against each of them.

- Face your fear.

- Most of your fears disappear as soon as you take your first step towards your goal.
3. Make changes to your daily routine.

- Take baby steps, one day at a time.

- Break down your action plan into small tasks.

- Allocate specific time to the new things, change your routine.

- It helps you to shift slowly out of your comfort zone.
4. Set an inspiring goal.

- Keep repeating that goal to yourself. Let every cell of your body echo that goal.

- An inspiring goal helps work an extra mile happily.
5. Change the mindset.

- Remove the thought that your - knowledge and capabilities are limited.

- Evolve with the thought that - everything including your knowledge and capabilities can be expanded, more and most.

- Believe, you can. This belief works wonders.
6. Take action.

- "Action cures fear".

- Stick to the deviced plan and act accordingly.

- Bridge the unknown gap that stands between you and your goal with "action".

- Revisit your progress frequently.

- Know where you stand. Update your plan.
7. Focus on positives.

- Look at positive things each day.

- Celebrate your progress.

- Enjoy the journey.
8. Don't take yourself too seriously.

- Laugh at yourself and your mistakes.

- Your adventures will become brilliant stories later.

- And when you fall and get back up.
9. Compare the worst and best possible outcomes.

- Ask yourself, "What's the worst that could happen?"

- What's the best case scenario of what could happen?"

- Channel energy toward the success.
Thanks for reading.

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