2021 @UFT DA approved resolutions:

9 - political endorsement
3 - proclamations
2 - legislative related (relating to work conditions)
1 - board appointment
1 - procedural
1 - working conditions related (asking to waive NYSESLAT)

Monthly Avg- only 1.4 resos approved each mo
We only averaged 1.4 approved final resolutions per month at the DA. More than half were political endorsements. Just as many proclamations passed as resos to address our working conditions. Most of these resolutions don’t even originate from the rank and file chapter delegates.
The president of the @UFT is behind the mic more hours than final resolutions passed in 2021. What is paralyzing the business and deliberations of the ultimate decision making and deliberative body of the UFT is THE MULGREW FILIBUSTER.

There was one final political endorsement resolution voted down in April. This led to the @UFTUnity who spoke against it to be forced out of his position.

And one resolution withdrawn by its author after he waited 11 months for it to reach the floor in Nov. making it moot
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