5 healthy lifestyle hacks college won’t teach you

1. Sunlight

40 to 60% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin D.

75% of Americans Circadian Rhythm is completely f*cked.
Benefits of getting sun:
• Anchor your circadian rhythm
• Production of serotonin (happiness hormone)
• Bone strengthening
• Reduced risk of certain cancers

Just don’t burn yourself to a crisp every day because that’s counter productive.
2. Food Substitutions

You don’t need to get into a strict diet if you want to lose weight, but substituting a few foods can help eliminate calories and processed ingredient.
To name a few..

Pasta -> Chickpea Pasta
Pasta -> Zucchini Noodles
Rice -> Cauliflower Rice
Sausage -> Turkey Sausage

Small substitutions can make a massive difference in calorie consumption.
3. Decrease Screen Time

Phones, PCs, tablets... They are all high-dopamine activities that overstimulate your brain.

Excessive screen usage kills your ability to concentrate properly or be present in day to day activities.
The solution?

Find activities that don’t involve you staring at a screen.

Take a walk. Read a book.

All house lights should be soft white and DIM after sunset. If you must, use blue blockers after dark.

Sunlight in the day protects against the damage of lights at night.
4. Move More

Direct exercise is great, but too many people ignore the other 23 hours a day.

The calories burned outside of the gym are much more than any cardio you're doing.

Get some walks in, hit 10,000 steps, and you'll also get your sun time in.
Exercise can help improve your ability to concentrate and even help relieve certain conditions like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and ADHD.

A healthy body greatly reduces the risk of developing diseases like heart strokes, cancer, and diabetes.
5. Personalize Your Training

Everybody is different, so you’re greatly missing out on the best potential you could get from exercising by not tailoring your workouts to your own body.

Maybe you want to build muscle, lose weight, or just feel better.
Stop jumping from plan to plan.

Pick a program, stick with it, track your weights over time, and watch the progress explode.
If you want to know more about how to personalize your training, book a free discovery call on my website.

I will be happy to help you.


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See ya soon,
You can follow @BrooksColeman.
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