SA Petroleum production is rapidly declining. With SAPREF the biggest refinery about to close the index level is likely to decline to below 30. Meaning that SA will produce less than 30% of the petroleum it did in 2005! It is of course dragging other chemicals down with it.
2. Other Chemicals sector was for a while South Africas biggest manufacturing export sector. It was also the fastest-growing manufacturing sector for a while. That growth is gone for now.
3 About 15 000 jobs have gone in the industries concerned here. Another 15K will go. Jobs at suppliers & contractors are also under threat. The largest part of KZN manufacturing is gone. Higher input prices & economic policy from 1918 helped keep investments at bay & riots
4. The Good news is that from the end of March, SA will in total use 3,5% less electricity as Engen, Astron, Mossgas and SAPREF will no longer use. SA will & already have avoided some load shedding due to that. (Add the aluminium smelters & SA now using about 8% less power.)
5. If not for all the closures of high energy manufacturers SA would have had permanent load shedding for a few years now. The feeding trough by the corrupt leaders and their kin is really destructive. The more they eat the more the rest suffer.
6. When politician's talk of inequality, poverty & unemployment as the three evils remember that the actions of politicians more than anything else has resulted in unemployment which causes poverty and inequality. Blaming anyone else is a smokescreen and diversion.
7 That is because they must know what they are doing (Except Fakile) will enrich them and take away from the rest of us. They need you to look elsewhere. They will die the day the sunlight shows their skeletons because we will kill them.
8 They need to encourage the population into us and them grouping. The groups are Foreigners, Whites, Indians, Coloureds Africans and even further splits in Afrikaans and Zulu. They focus on hate between us and not the joint goal of getting ahead. If we focus on that we win.
When our politicians and the corrupt have very little to steal the hate and focus on them. When it does it will terrible for them. But anyhow just another business closing and many will say good riddance while others will not have food on the table and no hope for their kids.
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